Meet our Faculty

If you are a Yoga Teacher and love to work with children, please send us an email on our 'Contact Us' page and we will contact you to request a resume, references and interview.


Miss Mel, B.A., RYT 200, RCYT
Owner / Registered Children's & Adult Yoga Instructor

Melissa began her exploration with yoga in 2000 with Burt Peeters as a way to reduce stress. In 2014, she combined her love of yoga with teaching children by completing her 95 hour Children's Yoga Teacher Training. She is the Owner and Head Trainer at Breathe With Me Yoga.

Fun ways to practice Hatha yoga, healthy breathing and meditation are consistent points of focus in Melissa's classes. Melissa’s teaching style is intuitive and nourishes the hidden strengths of her students. Your children will leave her classes feeling calm and enthusiastic about the practice of yoga.

In July 2015, Melissa completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with renowned Master Instructor Francois Raoult at Open Sky Yoga in Rochester, NY. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher and Registered Children's Yoga Teacher with the International Yoga Alliance. Melissa brings all that she has learned and practiced for more than 15 years together with this certification to her classes.

Melissa continues to pursue her education and practice through classes with Burt Peeters and in completing specialty workshops. These include "A Stairway to Calm" with Maggie Denison.

Miss Jana, RYT 200, RCYT
Registered Children's & Adult Yoga Instructor

In 1991, after teaching dance for many years, Jana sustained an injury and was introduced to yoga as a way to relax and find some relief from the pain. That introduction to yoga changed Jana’s life. She travelled to India in 2009, which gave her a hunger for a more in depth knowledge and a deeper awareness of her health and body.

In 2010, Jana took an introductory course with Yoga By Sarah. After completing this course, Jana was eager to immerse herself in yoga and learn how to become more flexible, both mentally and physically. In 2011, Jana joined Energy Fitness Studio and began taking yoga instruction from Rose McIntosh. In 2012, Jana began her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Kindred Spirits Studio.

Having a natural ability to relate to children, Jana completed her 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training through Young Yoga Masters. Specializing in working alongside children with learning disabilities, Jana embraced her natural talent and started teaching an impromptu children’s yoga class at Wildwood Academy in Oakville.

In addition to her teaching qualifications and extensive practitioner experience, Jana has worked with dieticians at Loblaw’s Markets organizing special events to bring healthy awareness to the public. She has also acted as Program Coordinator for Loblaw’s “Biggest Loser Challenge”. Jana's desire is that her love for yoga will help bring the community to a more healthy awareness. She wishes to bring the joy, peace and happiness she has acquired through her dedication to yoga to anyone who yearns to esperience a more fulfilled life.

Adrianna, CYT 200 (Adult Classes)
Certified Yoga Instructor

Adrianna started her yoga journey in 2013. First taking a Hot Vinyasa class, she realized the many benefits yoga. Yoga has helped her to find strength, balance and a connection to her spiritual self never felt before. Wanting to share her passion and knowledge for yoga, Adrianna completed her 200 hour Teacher Training with Yoga by Sarah in April 2016.

She instantly became a life time student and continues to educate herself in different aspects of yoga. Her further education includes Brad Waites’ Essentials of Standing Postures and Diane Harpwood’s Arm Balancing Workshops (1&2). Adrianna's class style focuses on the importance of the breath-body-mind connection as well as developing body awareness.  

As a fitness enthusiast, Adrianna can be found hiking, cycling, jogging, weight-lifting or balancing all of the above with yoga! Adrianna believes the key to being healthy is balance in all aspects of life and hopes that her clients take that with them.

Jaime-Anne, RYT 200 (Adult Classes)
Registered Yoga Instructor

Jaime-Anne began her yoga journey 14 years ago and has continued to explore it on and off since. In 2013, she began to practice daily through postures and meditation and was feeling more grounded and connected with each practice. 

The path of yoga is a passion of Jaime-Anne's and it has taught her to live each moment with gratitude, intention and mindfulness ~ both on and off her mat. The spiritual elements of yoga are exactly what Jaime-Anne was seeking. They have led her to expand beyond her comfort zone, face her fears and fall in love with the journey of life.

Jaime-Anne knew she had to share this with others and she completed her 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training with Yoga by Sarah in April 2016. Jaime-Anne wishes to inspire others to connect spiritually with themselves and the world around them. She guides her students through mindful postures to discover themselves on a spiritual, emotional and physical level. Jaime-Anne encourages her students to truly accept themselves, raise their energetic vibration and shine their light!